Thursday, January 9, 2014

No rest for the wicked....appliances!

I was finally able to get over the whole "holiday seasons"! Halloween, childs birthday, sisters birthday, new nephews birthday (newly added not new born!), Thanksgiving, hubbys birthday, Christmas, New Years and last but not least youngest childs birthday! Yeah we have a busy few months in fall and winter! BUT of course that's where the wicked appliances come in.

It basically started with the mighty little toaster over we've had for almost 10 years. The toaster oven decided to not heat much anymore so instead of toast we would have semi toasted, soft toast! Or it would take a few cycles to toast it. Who has time for that. So the hubby and I went out before Christmas and picked up a new fancy little toaster oven that is big enough for a 12" pizza! BUT it was for our Christmas gift so we had to keep begging the old wore out toaster to last a couple more weeks (yeah I know we're weird like that). Well once Christmas FINALLY came around I took out the new bright and shiny toaster and put the other one in the garage for "the loner" toaster oven if by chance this one dies an early death.

Basically I figured once I got through Christmas all the wicked appliances would be good. YEAH RIGHT! Starting just before Christmas hubby happened to be getting a glass out of the cupboard and noticed it had a white film on it...mind you it was a blue see through glass...ew right? I figured oh dishwasher probably just needs some more vinegar in the rinse compartment (kinda like a cheap version of the jet dry rinse agent). So I filled the compartment and figured that was that (remember the year right). Well a few days later the glasses still look yucky and there was water build up on the dishes. As dread was settling I ignored it and hoped it would go away and fix itself. A few more days later and now the neglected dishwasher is not draining and the water that is murky and dirty is sitting in the bottom of the dishwasher with my "clean" dishes! Oh crap no more hoping it goes away.

Here comes momma with her tool kit. After pulling out the racks of the dishwasher I had to take the screws out of the bottom spinney thingy (hey I said I could fix stuff not know what they are called). After taking as much water out of the bottom of the dishwasher with rags, measuring cups and scoopers that I could find I finally could see through the murky yucky water to get more screws and the filter out. To my dismay the filter was one assembly that was sealed and the only way to fix those....*sigh* is to replace them. CRAP! So I did what any person that wants to save a few did. I added water to the filter screen and shook like crazy to get as much gunk out as I could. I cleaned any other gunk in the dishwasher I could see (grape stem) and put it all back together, crossed my fingers and filled a measuring cup with vinegar that I added to the top rack. Turned on the wicked appliance to the hottest temp water setting on normal cycle hoped I wouldn't have to pay someone to come out and fix it.

Once the cycle was finished I closed my eyes opened the door of the wicked dishwasher and slowly peeked in and do you know what was in the bottom of the dishwasher.....ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! I think the days leading up to the dishwasher finally holding water was trying to tell me to give it a good cleaning and get the grape stem out of the very bottom of all the screws and layers of washers, spinney things I could.

Now if the rest of the appliances would just behave long enough for me to get through this cold winter and another couple of birthdays, it will be all good!

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