Another great way to save some money is by doing your own taxes online! We've used Turbo Tax for years! It is so nice to be able to just add our tax information here and there as we get it in the mail. There are some years we have our taxes finished and money in our bank account by the end of February!
Turbo Tax is a pretty simple program. We don't really have any type of complicated tax paperwork that we have to try to figure out. We just get online answer the questions and follow the steps. There are people that you can call if you get stuck too. One of the really nice things Turbo Tax does for you is it remembers all your previous tax information from when you filed the year before and automatically incorporates it into the new tax year. No having to worry about finding your paperwork or hoping you didn't miss something and have to drive back to get it. The program also allows you to print out your taxes when you are done so you have a hard copy plus it lets you save to your computer if you lose your hard copy! I'm not saying that has happened to us but we've had a few close calls where we thought we were going to have to print another copy!
If you are looking to save some money and are dreading having to find all your paperwork from the last year to take down to your normal tax guy, then try Turbo Tax. It's cheaper, more convenient (You could do it in your jammies at midnight if you want!) and you can start adding your tax information as soon as you get it if you want.
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